Articles on: Learning Manager

Docs - Managing and Assigning Documents

Learn how to use and manage Docs

In Qintil, Docs allows you to upload documents or files from your computer or third party websites that you want to be read by your Users. For example, you may want to upload policies, regulations, schedules or tasks.

The document/s can be set as ‘required’ or ‘available’ and assigned to chosen departments or teams.

Below, you will know how to create and edit documents. view statistics and set compliance reminder emails.

Creating Documents

Click Documents in your admin dashboard

Click Add document

Complete the details needed. You can choose to use a URL instead of uploading a file if it is already hosted somewhere that is accessible by your team

There is limit storage (ex. 500 mb) for the uploaded documents, contact Qintil support if you require more storage.

Hit save

The uploaded files will appear in your document library and on the profile of the Users. It will appear as required or available on their side.

Viewing Read Statistics

Hover to the file and click the person icon or user statistics to view who read the uploaded document/s

A displayed table of users required to view the document and the table of whom the document is available for.

The status of the document is marked as read if it is already opened by the user and none if the user has not viewed it yet

Editing, updating and deleting documents

To edit or update the document/s, hover on the file and click the ✎ : pencil icon

To delete documents, click the ☒: delete icon

Setting compliance reminder emails

To set up Docs with the other compliance reminder emails, please read the article: Customise your User Notification emails

If this does not help you or if you have any questions, speak to us using the blue chat box located in the bottom of the website.

Updated on: 12/09/2019

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